10 Things Most People Don’t Know About Me

Hi! I’ve taken a little hiatus from posts on the blog, but I’m back with a little reintroduction!

I started this blog at the end of 2022 as a project with my mom, Valerie. She was taking her certification to become a spiritual director and helped with many of the articles on soul care and spiritual practices. Now that she’s received her certification, she’ll run her website and spiritual direction/coaching business, so I’m taking over Intentionally Ordinary fully!

If you have been following along since the early days, thank you so much for being here! I’m always learning and growing in this space and in and out of seasons of productivity, so I appreciate you sticking around.

If you’re new here, hi! Thanks for checking out my tiny corner of the internet. I trust you’re on a similar journey of intentionality, spiritual growth and care as I am, and that truly excites me!

So whether you’ve been around for a few years or just stumbled upon this blog, here are ten things most people don’t know about me:

  1. I was a picky eater growing up. I remember going to Taco Bell, ordering a taco, then dumping out the contents and eating the shell (much better than just eating chips, right?!). I’ve come a long way since then and love to cook and eat just about anything now!

  2. I’ve never played on a sports team. Why? I don’t know if I really have an answer for why past me chose not to get involved in sports, but now I’d love to! I’m considering joining a swimming group or even picking up something like tennis/pickleball or volleyball!

  3. Although I never joined any teams as a kid, I did gymnastics and taekwondo growing up.

  4. My husband and I have been together for almost eighteen years! We started dating when we were fourteen and have been together ever since.

  5. I’ve been to seven countries (including the one I live in), and I’d love to travel internationally more.

  6. Japan, Denmark, the Netherlands, Spain, and Portugal are at the top of my current travel bucket list!

  7. I’ve read over 200 books since the beginning of the pandemic. I was always a reader growing up, but I slowed down during college, my early 20s, and new motherhood. When we were locked down in our houses, I found a lot of joy in mainly reading fiction, especially before bed at night. Currently, I end almost every night with at least a few pages of my book, but I often spend 20+ minutes reading as my nightly routine.

  8. Romance is one of my favorite genres, but mostly because I know the couple will always end up together. I love how authors often make the relationship seem impossible but always find a way to get the main characters together despite the circumstances. Happy endings are the best!

  9. When I’m not feeling gushy, happy feelings reading a romance, I like mysteries and thrillers, literary fiction, and memoirs the most. I’ll sometimes pick up a fantasy or nonfiction. Honestly, not much is off-limits in the book world for me.

  10. I earned a degree in Child and Adolescent Development in college. I worked in schools for four years, but now I use that hard-earned degree in my everyday life as a mom.

When I started this post, I honestly didn’t think I’d have ten things to fill this list, but now I feel like there’s so much more I could say! If you’d like to connect more, feel free to email me at hello@intentionallyordinary.com or follow me using the social links in the header/footer of this website. I can’t wait to get to know you and join you on this journey of intentional ordinariness.


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