Resources for Nourishing Your Soul

Alright, you’re on the journey with us to care more intentionally for your soul. Where do you start? What does soul care even mean?

When we care for our souls, we are caring for the deepest, truest part of our being. We are caring for the part that effects all the other parts which in turn impacts the world around us.

Today we’re sharing resources to help get you started on your journey to slowing down and intentionally nourishing your soul.

  1. Lectio 365 app - this app is based on the ancient practice of Lectio Divinia. It’s a method of Bible study where one intentionally slows down to listen to the text and listen to what God might be saying through it. Lectio 365 makes this practice easy for the modern age by recording multiple scripture and prayer prompts in both morning and evening segments. Listen to the audio, read through the prompts, or both. Listen to it in the car after school drop off or before the kids wake up, when you go to bed or after dinner. I love this app as a way to spend more intentional time in Scripture without the effort of figuring out what I should read. I can just let it wash over me and nourish my soul with ease.

  2. Soul Shepherding - this ministry is founded by a married couple who each have a doctorate in psychology. They have an abundance of resources and training to help your soul to thrive. Check them out on instagram @soulshepherding or at

  3. Practicing the Way - this website is one of our absolute favorite resources for getting started with and establishing spiritual practices. It’s practical and helpful and a wealth of information. It includes a helpful Rule of Life builder where you can put together some simple principles you’d like to live by to grow into the person you want to be.

  4. Our Favorite Books for Soul Nourishment:

    1. Live No Lies and The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer - In Live No Lies, John Mark tackles the heavy but important topic of spiritual warfare and offers practical advice for how to use scripture to support mental health. And in The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, he discusses hurry sickness and offers a solution to slow down in our busy world.

    2. The Next Right Thing and The Next Right Thing Guided Journal by Emily P. Freeman - this book is primarily designed to unburden the decision making process, but Emily has so much amazing advice packed into it that can apply to any season of life. The accompanying guided journal is a place to thoughtfully think through the seasons you’re in and approach what’s upcoming with intention.

    3. Chasing Slow by Erin Loechner - in this memoir we see how Erin moved from a frenzied life to the life of her dreams. One filled with simplicity and intention. Although not specifically on soul care, this book encouraged me to take a look inward for outward results.

    4. Rhythms of Renewal by Rebekah Lyons - learn how to intentionally create, connect, rest, and restore in this easy read. Each chapter ends with helpful suggestions on how to grow in each area.

      *all of these books link to amazon, but we highly recommend shopping secondhand via Thrift Books or PangoBooks, or by visiting your local bookstore!

  5. We’ve created a few guides to help you along your spiritual formation and soul care journey! Check out our Retreat Guide if you’d like to set aside intentional time with God or our Habit Formation Guide if you want to start developing regular rhythms of connecting with God in your everyday life.

We hope these resources act as a springboard for your growth and journey into soul nourishment. Inspiration and information are so important, but taking the next step is essential in formation. Reach out to us and let us know the next step you’ll be taking and how we can support you along the way!


Resources for Nourishing Your Creativity