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Getting Started With Meal Planning

Become a meal planning pro with these six easy steps!

Meal planning has been integral to my life for many years — even before having kids!

I like to be efficient in grocery shopping and try to run by the store only once weekly, so knowing everything I’ll need beforehand is super helpful to avoid those last-minute grocery runs.

Whether you like to be all planned out or have a lot of flexibility, meal planning can be a great way to clear up some mental space in your week. Sitting down one time to decide your meals for the week will ultimately save you time each day from having to shop and decide on what you want to eat. Less time thinking about and shopping for meals equals more time spent on what matters most to you!

Tips for getting started with meal planning

  1. Set aside a time during the week to plan out your meals. This can be the same time every week (I usually plan meals on Saturday evening or Sunday afternoon), or it can be flexible if your schedule looks different every week.

  2. Look at your calendar. Plan easy meals on days you have events and more time-consuming dinners on open evenings (if that’s your thing!). Sometimes specific meals should be planned on particular days, and other times, meals can be eaten any day of the week. I usually schedule specific meals for specific days, but sometimes it’s fun to move them around based on my mood or on what sounds the most delicious at the moment!

  3. Start with what you have. Look through any produce you may not have used up the previous week. Browse cupboards to see what pantry staples are lying around and plan meals around what’s already in your home. This also helps cut down on food waste and saves money. Win-win!

  4. Eat seasonally where possible. Check out this site to see what foods are in season in your area! This helps you save money as these foods are often cheaper in season, helps reduce emissions since the food is often local and doesn’t have to travel as far, and helps us live more in step with our world and its ever-changing seasons.

  5. Find recipes. Grab meals from your favorites list, pull out cookbooks, or search the web. I’ve loved Pinch of Yum recently, and Rachael’s Good Eats new cookbook. We also have a highlight on our Instagram with lots of meal plans saved for recipe inspiration!

  6. Make a list and shop! Once you’ve compiled your recipes for the week, make a grocery list of every food item you’ll need. Head to your favorite store, and don’t forget to bring your reusable shopping bags!

Make a calendar appointment or set a reminder to do this each week. The more you practice, the easier the habit becomes. Soon enough, you’ll be meal planning like a pro!

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