Rejuvenate Your Soul: Living in the Easy Yoke

Could your soul use a refresh, revamp, or some rejuvenation?

I think many of us would say yes. Many of us would admit that our souls are tired, worn out, and need an answer to that problem. The good news is that the answer to a soul needing rejuvenation could be as easy as checking on your yoke and making a few simple adjustments. But first, let’s look at what a yoke is and what Jesus means when he uses the term “easy yoke.”

When Jesus was here on earth, teaching his disciples, he said, 

“Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me [following Me as My disciple], for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest [renewal, blessed quiet] for your souls.” (Amplified Bible)

Those who heard those words would be familiar with a yoke at that time. They would call to mind a wooden beam between two oxen (or other animals) that would enable them to pull or carry a heavy load by equally distributing the weight across their shoulders. Those listeners would also be familiar with the yoke as a metaphor for service or submission.

But what does that mean for us today?

Perhaps it is helpful to look at Eugene Peterson’s The Message, which says:

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

Jesus offers a way of being that results in a rested soul and an internal sense of freedom or lightness, regardless of external circumstances. He is offering himself — a humble, gentle teacher who can show you the way to the kind of life intended for those living in the kingdom of God. Life is often challenging, but the easy yoke is an easier way to do hard things.

This is an invitation that needs to be accepted!

And yet, in a sense, I think many of us, possibly unintentionally, don’t accept the invitation. Or maybe we don’t know what to do or how to do it. Sometimes we intentionally take Jesus’ easy yoke, but over time, we lose our way and find ourselves yoked up with something or someone other than Jesus. Sometimes as we’re going along, we can make certain decisions or do certain things and find ourselves no longer yoked to the easy yoke of Jesus and discover that we are yoked to the lifestyle of Instagram or have yoked up to what our pastor is preaching, or to what our boss expects of us.

We all yoke up with something or someone. We can yoke up with work, influencers, success, and culture, to name a few.

Perhaps you are yoked to Jesus, but your soul still feels worn and tired. If that is the case, here are some areas that may help you identify where some intentional change is needed:

Work(ing)- do you feel the urge or need to earn God’s love? Do you try to look good on the outside, needing to prove yourself to others? If this is a normal feeling for you, you may be carrying the burden of work. You may need to replace lies about earning love with the truth of the unconditional, never-ending love of Jesus.

Under commitment- Dallas Willard wrote, “The general human failing is to want what is right and important, but at the same time not to commit to the kind of life that will produce the action we know to be right and the condition we want to enjoy.” This can be a case of wanting the easy yoke life but being unwilling to commit intentionally to spiritual disciplines, spending time with Jesus, or following his teachings.

Control- there are many reasons we may feel the need to control situations, micromanage or cling to “our way.” However, Jesus' easy yoke is one where we trust Him with every moment of our lives, living in His strength and not our own. If we are in Jesus’ easy yoke, we won’t feel the need to manipulate or make things happen.

Listening- our life is our school, and Jesus is our teacher. Are we paying attention? Are we listening to what our life and teacher may be telling us? We need to heed the voices of Jesus' easy yoke, not those that lead in another direction.

The easy yoke is available to followers of Jesus. Although it does not take work, it does take intention. As you learn to follow the way of Jesus, you will feel your soul renew, relax and rejuvenate. As you experience that internal rest that only comes from Him, you won’t want to lose it or go back — you will want to abide.

Here’s to learning on the Journey together!



Memorizing Scripture with Young Kids


Ministering to Your Soul: Christian Life Coaching